Page 40 - Westman Business 2018
P. 40
Tech Olaf Juechter replaces camshaft bearings on a semi truck in the Beaver Truck Centre at the corner of First Street and the Trans-Canada Highway. (Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)
Beaver Truck Centre offers customers
state-of-the-art, affordable services
Since 2015, husband and wife team Pat and Marie spacious. With a wide variety parts on display and Vol- 1996 and felt that opening a second location in Brandon,
Southall have been running Beaver Truck Centre in Bran- vo trained technicians, the staff at Beaver is ready to keep would benefit our large customer base in Brandon and the
don. their customers on the road. surrounding Westman area. The Brandon location is lo-
“It was pretty exciting to be given the opportunity to Pat worked his way up the ranks in the company, start- cated at the Northeast corner of the Trans-Canada High-
run your own store,” Pat said. ing in 1998 working as a mechanic. The company provid- way and Highway 10.
The centre offers parts, service, new and used truck in- ed lots of opportunity for advancement, which Pat took The state of the art facility is 16,000 square feet, with
ventory, all at an affordable price. advantage of, from being a service advisor, warranty ad- 10 service bays, and an extensive line of parts inventory.
“People are often hesitant of dealerships because they ministrator and assistant service manager. All of the dif- They have both new and used Volvo trucks for sale, as well
think they’re going to pay too much. Being fair is one of ferent roles that he took on over the years made him well as a variety of other makes of pre-owned trucks. Volvo
the many things that our company has worked hard at over suited for his current position as Branch Manager of the has come out with some new models that they recently
the past 20 years.” Pat said. “Both Beaver Truck Centre Brandon location. launched like the VNR and VNX, with a different body
locations pride themselves on offering superior custom- “The company has a great atmosphere at both loca- style than some previous models offering an improved
er service, which is why we ensure that we have trained tions, which is one of the many things I enjoy about Beaver level of safety, comfort, style and fuel economy that our
knowledgeable and friendly staff.” Truck Centre,” Pat said.
Inside the state of the art building, it’s bright and Beaver Truck Centre in Winnipeg has been open since » Continued on Page 42