Page 38 - Westman Business 2018
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Dr. Scott Mather and Dr Nathan Vercaigne at Brightside Dental clinic. (Theresa Nett/The Brandon Sun)
Look to Brightside for modern dental philosophy
When was the last time you took a trip ers. They want their patients to know that large fillings have been proven to crack planning is key. Cavities and dental prob-
to the dentist? If the answer is “when I had from the moment they walk through the teeth over time and that crowns are a bet- lems don’t go away. They only get worse
a horrible toothache” or “only when I have door, they’re going to have a different kind ter option. Is placing a large filling still an over time – and become more expensive -
to,” perhaps its time to look at the Bright- of dental experience — one that replaces option? You bet, but it’s not the best long if left untreated.” said Mather.
side of dental care. reactive dentistry techniques with a more term solution.” Dr. Mather said. “Planning is especially important for pa-
Dr. Scott Mather and his partner Dr. proactive philosphy. Advances in technology have also im- tients to do before they retire. All of a sud-
Larry Cogar created Brightside Dental “A big paradigm shift is happening in proved options for better care for patients. den your insurance coverage has changed
Care together in 2008, and since then have dentistry, to everyone understanding the For example, Brightside Dental was the and you may not have the same financial
expanded to four dental clinics in Brandon, benefits of longer term care,” Dr. Scott first clinic in Brandon to offer same day means. I want my patients to be educated
Shilo, Portage, and Gladstone. Brightside Mather said. “It’s really a shift from being crowns. Instead of messy impressions and about the condition of their mouths and if
clinics have a modern, cozy design, with reactive to proactive — proactively treating two or more trips to the dentist, Cerec they wish to have their natural teeth for a
large comfortable chairs. As the company your teeth before they give you pain.” technology allows Brightside to provide a lifetime, there are steps to be taken to get
notes on its website, Brightside has made Dr. Mather, who oversees the Brandon quick turnaround for crowns — the process there, and we can help them achieve that
it their priority to understand the concerns and Shilo locations, keeps his patients well takes about two hours - and alleviates a lot goal”.
of real patients so that they can make the informed about the best treatments avail- of concern and stress for the patient. And that philosophy is what drives not
entire experience as simple and enjoyable able, and recommends the ones that will Brightside’s proactive philosophy helps only Drs. Mather and Cogar, but all the
as possible. “We want our patients to come benefit them in the long term. “Dentist- patients understand and realize their per- talented dentists at Brightside.
in and not even feel like they are in a dental ry has changed a lot over the years, as new sonal dental goals. Proactive dental care If you would like to book an appoint-
clinic,” said Dr. Mather. studies and practices provide better ways to starts with regular check-ups and clean- ment with Brightside Dental Care in
Over the course of their careers, Drs. help patients look and feel their best. For ings, extends to better treatment options, Brandon, call (204) 727-7136, or visit their
Mather and Cogar have built their prac- example, studies have shown that the use and goes one step further, by focusing on clinic at 25-144 Sixth Street. For their oth-
tices on personal relationships and the of fillings to repair large cavities is not a providing patients with the opportunity er locations,
happy, healthy smiles of satisfied custom- permanent solution. We now know that to keep their teeth for a lifetime. “Proper » The Brandon Sun