Page 20 - Westman Business 2018
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20                                                                                     THE BRANDON SUN • WESTMAN BUSINESS • OCTOBER 2018

        Westman Communitcation Group can be found at 1906 Park Avenue in Brandon. (Theresa Nett/The Brandon Sun)
        Westman Communications offers a local,

        personal touch for your business needs

           Starting  a  news  business?  Want  up-  to internet.”                proud of the support given to the company  gramming.
        grades  to existing  communication devic-  Westman Communications Group of-  by local businesses in the region. Westman   In 2008  Westman Communications
        es? Or are interested in checking out a  fers a competitive advantage to its custom-  Communication Group uses cutting edge  Group acquired two local radio stations, Q
        new communications provider?  Westman  ers, due to the size of their operation. “We  technology to makes these services work.  Country 91.5 FM and 94.7 Star FM. They
        Communications Group can give you ex-  are much more flexible than a lot of larg-  “Our products are state-of-the art,” he said.  also runs a local news website that includes
        actly what you need.                 er companies, and we are able to come up   Keys said the best part of his job, is the  weather updates and winning lotto num-
           Westman Business, a division of West-  with customized solutions,” Keys said. “We  relationships he gets to build with clients.   bers called, and have
        man Communications Group, has been  get to know our customers better, and work   “I like the close interactions that we  their own TV station called WCGtv. The
        helping local businesses grow through re-  more closely with them.”      have with our customers.”            company encourages all of their customers
        duced costs, efficient  higher  speeds, and   Westman Communication Group of-  Keys has been the Director of Westman  to let them know what types of local con-
        dedicated customer support.  Westman  fers voice services that include long dis-  Business for six years and has over 30 years  tent they would like to see on the station.
        Business services director Bud Keys says  tances plans and toll free numbers. Their  of experience in communications.  West-  There is no other communication compa-
        the organization has helped many compa-  internet services come in fiber and high  man  Communication  Group  was  estab-  ny quite like  Westman Communications
        nies design communications, and they do it  speed options, and their data services in-  lished as a co-op in 1977. Westman invests  Group, which contribute so directly to the
        all with a personal touch.           clude web hosting, dedicated internet, and  each customer’s  equity back into its own  community.
           “We do a lot of high-speed data conduc-  managed services.            operations. This enables them to acquire   “I like working for a small company
        tivity for businesses between their branch-  They also offer television services. In  new services that they can offer their cus-  rather than a big provider,” Keys said. “The
        es, and hosted PBX,” Keys said. PBX is  addition to providing television services  tomers, and guarantees local programming  employees here are more than just a face
        an acronym for Private Branch Exchange  to individuals, Keys noted,  “we provide  and local employment. They also use the  with a name, and so are the customers.”
        phone systems. “Anything you would gen-  business T.V. for hotels, care homes, hos-  equity to provide scholarships to local stu-
        erally need for a business from phone lines  pitals and other businesses.” Keys said he is  dents, and free educational television pro-  » The Brandon Sun
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