Page 16 - Westman Business 2018
P. 16

16                                                                                     THE BRANDON SUN • WESTMAN BUSINESS • OCTOBER 2018

        From left, Jessica, Jenny, David, and Cherrill. (Submitted)
        Both film and digital processing services

        on offer at Brandon Photographics

           You  might  say  that  Brandon  Photo-  just give it up – let the others do it’,” said  town does,” Hrabok said. “There aren’t any  cameras/processing stores, and it gives you
        graphics is going back to the future.  Hrabok. “So we dismantled the machine,  other photo places in Brandon. “Somebody  the opportunity to have conventions, listen
           Despite the fact mobile phones that  nut by bolt by screw, and got rid of it. It  asked me the other day,  ‘How is it that  to speakers, find out what others are doing,
        take pictures are ubiquitous, some people  ended up in the dumpster unfortunately,  you’re still standing?  What did you do?’  see what the coming trends are. So that’s
        still prefer to use a camera and film. And  because it was kind of one of those piec-  And I basically said, ‘We outlasted them.’”  helped us a lot.”
        for those in this area who do the latter,  es of equipment that nobody wanted.” But   Hrabok said that, surprisingly, consid-  But she stressed that Foto Source is
        Brandon Photographics is the only game  over the years, as digital mostly took over  ering all the other advancements that have  not an overlord – simply a buying group
        in town.                             from film, the other film-processing loca-  been  made  over  the  last  few  years,  once  that gives Brandon Photographics greater
           At the same time, they’ve developed an  tions started shutting down.  they got back into film processing, it was  purchasing power and a network of other
        app that allows people to place their or-  “One by one, all those other businesses  still the same old same old. “The technolo-  professionals with whom to compare notes.
        ders for numerous different items on their  disappeared,” Hrabok said. . So there was  gy hasn’t changed it a bit,” she said. “It’s the  “We’re independent,” she said.  “And the
        phones.                              us. And we had gotten rid of our machine.  very same process it was when we got rid of  only thing we don’t do here is sell equip-
           “It’s interesting to us because it’s on  And people were coming to us and saying,  our old machine.”       ment. And that’s an area that’s really lack-
        two different ends of the spectrum – it’s  ‘I still have a film camera, it’s taking lovely   But she made it clear, too, that pho-  ing in Brandon – there isn’t a camera store
        going backward to film-developing and  photos, I don’t want to get rid of it, so what  to finishing is the focal point of Brandon  here anymore.”
        it’s going forward to ordering pictures on  do I do with my film?’”      Photographics.                         In  addition  to  owner  David Tschetter,
        your phone,” said photographer Cherrill   To meet customer demand, Brandon   “It’s our business,” Hrabok said. “It’s not  there are three full-time staff members at
        Hrabok. “So it’s a little bit of everything.”  Photographics partnered with a processing  a lost leader. It’s not something we do on  the store, and they do – and can do – just
           While Brandon Photographics does all  company in Winnipeg. But that business’s  the side as part of something else. We’ve  about anything.
        types of photo-finishing, the company got  turnaround time was quite lengthy, and the  expanded into other areas such as photo   “We do processing, we do framing, we
        out of film processing five or six years ago  price was a bit high, and since film buffs  gifting, photo books, the app, the kiosks  have albums, we have photo gifts – so pret-
        because there weren’t enough rolls coming  were  coming  to  Brandon  Photographics  – things that keep us relevant. Some of  ty much the spectrum, which makes us dif-
        through the shop to justify operating a ma-  to have their pics sent away to be finished  the other stores were chains so I feel like  ferent from a lot of places,” Hrabok said. “A
        chine that needed to do a certain amount  anyway, the business figured it might as  they  had  access  to  things  that  maybe  we  lot of places are camera stores, or they’re a
        of processing to keep its chemistry stable.  well cut out the middle man. So they pur-  didn’t, because we’re just a little indepen-  lab, or they’re a portrait studio. And other
        Plus there were other competitors in the  chased a small machine and started pro-  dent Mom and Pop operation. And so we  than  the  equipment,  we’ve  kind  of  com-
        Wheat City who did volumes of that type  cessing film again.             have actually signed on with Foto Source,
        of work. “And we just thought, ‘Well, we’ll   “That’s something that nobody else in  which is a buying group for photography/  » Continued on Page 18
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