Page 10 - 2018 Your Home Your Way
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Families are choosing to use pools and hot tubs as a centerpiece to their backyard, according to Paul Smith with The Pool Doctor in Brandon.
BY IAN FROESE be just a wood panel.” for approximately five years. finishes, and even natural brass,
Salt-water pools have become Akin to an underwater tread- like Brown Jordan’s classic Kan-
Luxury may only be a back- popular for consumers pursuing mill, swimmers paddle continu- tan collection.”
yard away. a low maintenance option that’s ously against a water current in Casual Living’s features edi-
Paul Smith with The Pool softer on the skin than a tradi- a swim spa. The machine can tor, Jennifer Bringle, said deco-
Doctor said consumers are in- tional pool saturated in chlorine. adjust for resistance and water rative accessories, too, are being
vesting in their homes as gas “It’s mostly ease and it’s a lot temperature. Built like a hot tub, elevated.
prices rise and the cost of a cot- gentler on the skin,” Smith ex- it’s insulated for winter-use. “We’re not talking the tiki
tage becomes out of reach. plained. “They’re pretty neat, “ Creasy torches and scratchy coir rugs of
“They find it a lot easier put- Hot tubs can also be a source said. yore,” she said. “Innovations like
ting the money into their back- of summer bliss, said Devon Luxury can take many other solution-dyed acrylics,
yard and having their family Creasy, general manager of forms in the outdoors. polypropylene weaves and
time in their own backyard.” Creasy Hot Tubs and Billiards. Think velvet cushions. Tai- water-resistant LEDs mean that
Some families have chosen His clients are entering the lored detailing. Rich, soft uphol- outdoor accessories offer the
pools as their centerpiece. Brandon store better educated stery. Lacquered or carved same level of on-trend style and
Above-ground swimming than they were years ago. Not artisan-made furniture. And lots luxury as their indoor counter-
holes instead of in-ground pools only for entertaining, hot tubs of other high-end elements that parts.”
are the way to go for swimmers are seen as investments in self- bring the elegance and sophisti- Barclay Butera, a designer in
pursuing a cost-effective option, care. Some models have massag- cation of a richly finished inte- Newport Beach, California, has
said Smith, a pool retailer in ing jets for therapeutic rior to a home’s outdoor space. a collection for Castelle that
Brandon. He said pools are not treatments, while the high-heat “Think fully upholstered sofas would look equally at home on
simply plopped onto a yard with conditions can help with relax- covered in performance chenille a city terrace as on a suburban
no concern over aesthetics. De- ation and stress relief. fabric that’s just as soft as tradi- pool deck.
signers are paying attention to For a pool and hot tub in one, tional chenille,” says Waynette “I was inspired by this mag-
the siding. They even draw upon swim spas offer an appealing Goodson, editor-in-chief of Ca- nificent geometric ceiling carv-
Greek influences in its design. choice. sual Living and Exterior Design ing I saw in an English manor
“There weren’t many options “It’s truly like a modern-day magazines. years ago,” he said. “I’ve incorpo-
20 years ago” when it comes to swimming pool,” Smith said of “Then there’s Carrara marble rated this pattern into the fret-
appearances, he said. “It used to the product, which Creasy sold tabletops, Italian volcanic rock work.”