Page 19 - Trending Magazine 2018 Fall
P. 19

Musseling In_Layout 1  18-09-18  3:03 PM  Page 6

               Manitoba has six defined control zones where these
               species are either there already or expected to spread
               (Central, Nelson River, Whiteshell, Buffalo Bay,
               Winnipeg River and Saskatchewan River/Cedar
                 All watercraft are required to be inspected and
               decontaminated with hot water if they’ve previously
               been in a high-risk area, a process commonly referred
               to as clean, drain, dry and dispose.
                 But while decontamination is provided free of       Vials showing the stages of zebra mussel
               charge, both federal and provincial officials still    growth from larval to mature.
               manage to catch people who skirt the rules.
                 Figures provided by Parks Canada show that
               wardens charged 11 people last year for not getting
               an inspection. Eight of those resulted in mandatory  “What people need to realize
               court appearances, because the vessels were used in
               infected water bodies or those that were suspected  is that with zebra mussels
               to be.
                 So far this year, wardens have charged three people  we’re looking at long-lasting
               and issued several warnings, the majority of which  irreversible impacts to a
               have been for uninspected canoes, kayaks and
               paddleboards.                                       water body.”
                 Some watercraft have been seized by Parks Canada
               and the maximum  fine for non-compliance is
                 The province, meanwhile, has inspected 9,620     Meanwhile, veligers have been found in Lake
               watercraft and performed 1,255 decontaminations   Winnipeg’s north basin and Poplar River First Nation
               at its six inspection sites since May, based on the  confirmed they found an adult zebra mussel in one of
               latest numbers from Aug. 29                       their gill nets, Parks said.
                 But while a number of warnings have been handed  The Nelson River to the north of Lake Winnipeg will
               out, aquatic invasive species specialist for Manitoba  most certainly be invaded by zebra mussels as well,
               Sustainable Development Candace Parks said the    Parks said. The only question is when.
               goal isn’t to simply fine people — of which no one has  She and others stressed that more lakes and rivers
               provincially — but to make them aware of the dangers  can be protected, as long as the public stays vigilant
               posed by these animals.                           about decontamination.
                 “For me, I think that what people need to realize is  But while the focus has largely been on the threat of
               that with zebra mussels ... we’re looking at long-lasting  zebra mussels, Manitoba has nearly 20 aquatic
               irreversible impacts to a water body,” she said.  invasive species, among them the spiny waterflea,
                 Having worked on the file since 2009, Parks has  rusty crayfish and Asian carp.
               seen first hand the problem of zebra mussels become  Asked if she was worried that attention was being
               reality here in Manitoba.                         taken away from these other species, Parks said the
                 Two falls ago, Parks was walking along Beaconia  same messaging still applies.
               Beach on the southeast-end of Lake Winnipeg, when  “If I need to use zebra mussels as the conduit to get
               she came across a black piece of debris. After    the information out to the masses, and along the way
               checking it further, she realized she was ankle deep in  tell them if you do steps to prevent anything from
               zebra mussels and burst into tears.               invading Manitoba, I’ll ride the coattails of zebra
                 “It is absolutely heartbreaking to see it established  mussels as long as I can.”
               in your backyard,” she said.                       So far in Whirlpool Lake, the lack of evidence of
                 Elsewhere, the province has put Singush Lake in  zebra mussels has been a welcome sign for Tremblay.
               Duck Mountain Provincial Park under quarantine and  But it does beg the question of how that DNA
               put in place boating restrictions after a small sample  managed to get there in the first place.
               found on a substrate sampler came back positive for  “We’ll probably never know,” Tremblay said. “If we
               zebra mussel eDNA.                                don’t find anything else, we can speculate.”

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