Page 14 - Trending Magazine 2018 Summer
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“What makes a table (is a) variety of things not who have been involved with it for some time,
just one, at least for me,” she said. especially with an unpredictable growing season.
Others like Sharlotte Neufeld and her husband One year, Durham may not have any beans to sell.
Darcy are relatively new players to the farmer’s Another year, he may not have any corn.
market game. This year, Durham started the spring with a
Last year, the two bought a home in Lake healthy supply of asparagus. But on top of all that,
Metigoshe that came with its very own a meat shop. he has to keep an eye out for wildlife and jokes that
The Neufelds had some experience making his neighbours are a coyote, cougar and a bear.
farmer’s sausage and decided later that summer “I take my licks,” he said. “Some years I do good,
to see how well they could do selling it at various some years I don’t.”
markets, including the one in Brandon. And even though his methods may be harder
Since starting their business Bar Y Meats, work, Durham wouldn’t change a thing. “Everything
the couple has tried their hands at a number of (is) done the way it should be,” he said.
different products, from pork chops, ribs, bacon Moving into her 19th year with the farmer’s
and hamburgers. market, Ens knows it’s not easy work getting your
“We really liked the family dynamic,” Sharlotte products ready and bringing them to market each
said. “So we thought we’d give it a try.” week, but in some ways it’s a good problem to have.
Zelda Kinniburgh started her jewelry wholesale “We always say if we’re tired and we’ve had three
company Oooh! Shiny Things in Brandon back in hours of sleep prior to a market day, we tend to
May 2016, with the goal of making her products as blame our customers,” Ens said. “Because if you’re
affordable as possible busy, the customers make us do this ... That means
Today, she carries products from approximately we have great customers.”
200 jewelers across Canada and the U.S., with the Since it does take time to establish yourself, Ens
average ring or necklace selling for $33, she said. said she hopes vendors don’t give up after two or
The market is an almost guaranteed source of three days. But after 40 years worth of markets, if
income for her, but one of the things Kinniburgh there is one thing vendors can rely on, it’s a solid
said she enjoys most about the market is getting customer base.
to know the other vendors and the customers “Whether it is that one lady who loves baby
they serve. carrots, or little tiny baby tomatoes, or someone
“The traffic and flow of the crowd here, it’s a small who likes huge parsnips in the fall, everybody has
trickle, but I’m always busy,” she said. their favourite vegetables, but it’s rewarding to see
But getting a good foothold at a farmer’s market people appreciating the work that you have put into
takes time and effort, even for those like Durham it,” Ens said. ❚