Page 4 - Brandon Sun - Retirement 2021
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B4 retirement 2021 westman this week the BranDOn sUn n Thursday February 11 2021
CREATIvE WAYS Technostress among older adults
TO kEEp bUSY THIS WINTER Do you feel overwhelmed when you turn adults who struggle to adapt often compare
on your tablet, navigate your social media themselves to so-called digital natives, which
Making art can contribute to your over- scrapbooks and macramé, there’s no account or sort through your inbox? If so, leads to feelings of inferiority.
all health and well-being by helping to- shortage of what you can create. For in- you may be experiencing technostress. First
coined in the 1980s, this term refers to feelings A WAY FORWARD
improve cognition, concentration, self- spiration, look online or visit your local of stress, frustration, anxiety and depression If left unchecked, technostress can serious-
esteem and more. If you want to reap library. that are linked to an inability to cope well with ly impact the well-being of older adults. If you
these benefits and stave off boredom new technologies. struggle to cope with this type of anxiety, speak
this winter, here are five creative activ- 3. pHOTOGRApHY with a health-care professional. Additionally, if
ities to try. This artform can help you gain a new A CHANGING WORLD you want to learn how to better navigate the dig-
ital world, consider signing up for a computer
Though technostress can be felt by individu-
perspective of the world. Plus, it’s a great als of all ages, it’s particularly common among course or asking a family member for a tutorial.
1. pAINTING way to hone your observation skills and older adults. This is largely because most se-
If you don’t feel comfortable starting express yourself. From magnificent vis- niors haven’t grown up, gone to school and
with a blank canvas, a paint-by-num- tas and bustling cityscapes to portraits worked in a pluggedin environment the way
bers kit is an ideal way to familiarize of your pets and family members, you younger people have. As a result, the ability to
adapt to changing technologies doesn’t come
yourself with this hobby. In addition to can use any type of camera to capture easily, which can lead to an array of negative
improving your dexterity, painting pro- moments that fill you with joy. If you feelings like despair, distress and shame.
vides a chance to put your worries aside want to add a social element to your
and create beautiful artwork. creative activities, find out if your local A RECENT STUDY
community centre, library or retirement In 2018, researcher Galit Nimrod conducted
2. CRAFTING home offers classes. Alternatively, you a study to assess technostress among 500 se-
niors in Israel. The results indicated that older
Do-it-yourself projects help preserve can plan weekly art sessions with friends adults tend to experience stress when faced
your fine motor and family members. with new technologies and feel pressured to
skills and engage your imagination. use them. The study also revealed that older
From greeting cards and murals to » Wire Services
ALL SENIORSDinner is Served!
Dinner is Served!
Seniors for Seniors meals consist of a roll/bread, salad, main course and a dessert at a cost
of 10 per meal. Place your order on a Monday (1-7 meals) and it will be delivered at no extra
charge to your home by community volunteers on Friday.
If you need meals immediately, that can also be arranged.
Our meals appear on our website in advance: under MEALS
Can we be of service? For more information or to order, call 204-571-2050