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THURSDAY  MAY 6  2021   n  THE BRANDON SUN                                                                              WETSMAN THIS WEEK     MANITOBA DAY 2021     B3


                               MANITOBA DAY

                                                                    MAY 12 , 2021

                               so many reasons to celebrate manitoba!

                        After more than a year navigating COVID, we may not be able to gather for Manitoba 150

                       celebrations this spring; however, we can still come together in spirit. After all, to celebrate
                           means so much more than simple revelry; it is also an expression of pride, wonder, and

                       appreciation. Manitoba 150 encourages Manitobans to be proud of who we are, to stand in
                      awe of our province’s beauty, to appreciate the cultures that surround us, and to respect our

                                     past and how it has created this unique experience of being Manitoban.

                       Manitobans are creative and resilient, and with that knowledge, we hope you will find your
                        unique way to celebrate Manitoba! Whether you crank up your favourite Manitoba band

                        in your living room, explore your Manitoba roots or challenge your neighbours to a virtual
                      Manitoba Pancake Breakfast cook-off, we hope you discover your next reason to fall in love

                                                                               with Manitoba!

                                   On Manitoba Day, and every day, let’s celebrate this great province of ours!

             150 Things to Do in Westman!

             Commemorating Manitoba’s 150th

             Find your copy in the May 20th

             edition of The Brandon Sun!
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