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Canadian a gri C ultural S afety WeeK
how to prevent common Safety inspections: a key tool 12 fire safety practices for farms
farm injuries to prevent farm accidents
If you want to protect the wor 6. Avoid placing flammable mate
Canadian Agricultural Safety Week will be Farms have multi ple ha zards that can lead kers, animals, buildings and equip rials near welding areas. Com
held this year from March 14 to 20. In light to serious accidents and significant health ment on your farm, implementing bustible items should be kept
of the occasion, here’s a look at some of the pro blems. As an agri cultural producer, you fire prevention strategies is a at least nine metres away.
main risks that farm workers are exposed have a responsibility to protect the safety must. Here are 12 tips that can
to and how accidents can be prevented. and wellbeing of your emplo yees. In fact, the help you protect your as sets and 7. Make sure you follow the sto
Oc cu pational Health and Safety Act requi res potentially save lives. rage standards for hazardous
• Chemical contamination. Make sure you that you identify, control and eliminate va products including lime and
read and understand the labels on agri rious hazards. 1. Never smoke in farm buil nitrogen fertilizers.
cultural chemicals such as pesticides and dings. Among other things,
fertilizers. Wash your hands with soap Inspections should therefore be an integral this will prevent the methane 8. Clearly identify pesticides and
and water before drinking or eating. part of your prevention plan. Indeed, by gas that’s generated by manure store them in a separate buil
regularly conducting various checks, you’ll from igniting. ding.
• Falls from a height. Always maintain three be able to identify risks and take the neces
points of contact when climbing on and sary measures to eliminate hazards before 2. Have at least one water tank 9. Make sure your grain dryer has
off stepladders or farm machinery. This an injury or accident occurs. available to assist firefighters. a fail-safe switch that’ll turn off
could mean keeping one hand and both the fans if they get too hot.
feet or both hands and one foot on the What to look for 3. Install smoke and carbon mono The motor should also be lubri
surface. A safety inspection involves an extensive xide alarms in areas where cated according to the manu
checklist, and you’ll need to examine all dust and moisture won’t com facturer’s recommendations.
• Slips and trips. Wear properly laced buildings, fields and equipment used on promise their effectiveness.
shoes or boots, adjust your walking speed your property. Road safety, methods of 10. Have a master electrician re
to suit the terrain and make sure your vi working and management practices should 4. Keep a sufficient quantity of place outdated electrical sys
sion isn’t obstructed when carrying a likewise be revie wed. Emergency prepare porta ble ABC fire extinguishers tems.
load. dness and fire prevention are also key. on hand. 11. Regularly clean the electrical
• Musculoskeletal injuries. Ask for help or During any safety inspection, it’s best to 5. Don’t use combustible mate panel, outlets and switches.
use lifting aids such as a wheelbarrow to avoid dispersing your efforts. Instead, you rials such as sawdust to absorb
move heavy or bulky loads. should concen trate on one stage of pro oil from the ground. 12. Don’t apply paint or any other
product on electrical installa
• Heat stroke. Wear light clothing and a duction, one type of equipment or one lo- tions.
widebrim med hat on hot summer days. cation at a time.
Be sure to drink water regularly and take To learn more about farm safety, refer to
If a fire breaks out in
frequent breaks in the shade. the resour ces provided by the Canadian an airtight silo, don’t open it.
Agricultural Safety Association at Doing so could cause
For more tips on how to prevent injuries and
make your workplace safer, visit agsa- an explosion.