Page 10 - Salute to Agriculture
P. 10

B10     WESTMAN THIS WEEK                                                                                                       THE BRANDON SUN   n  THURSDAY  MARCH 25  2021

        Continued from Page B7        Family participation: Dan  world as a keynote speaker.  Baseball. Andre is also a past
                                    and Pat’s four sons are all in-  Land  stewardship:  The director of both the Manitoba
          The farm began as a grain  volved in the farm. Ian is the   grain farm has implemented  Charolais Association and the
        and cream quote operation.  president of the farm. He and  zero tile and minimal till prac- National Charolais Associa-
        When the farm was transferred  his wife Sandy manage the bee  tices to effectively manage soil  tion. He sits on the foundation
        to  Dan  and  Pat  Steppler, the  operation. Geoff and Sarah are  health. Soils at risk are sowed  board for the Canadian Cha-
        grain farm continued, milk  directors. Adam and Amber  down for rotational grazing  rolais Association. Ian is vice-
        cows were sold, and a PB Cha- are managers of grain opera- with an increase of wild flow- president of the Manitoba Bee
        rolais operation was created in  tion. Andre and Katie manage  ers and forages to increase the  Keeping Association.
        1973. Dan and Pat’s sons all at- the cattle operation.  food needed for honey pro-    Awards and highlights: An-
        tained a post-secondary edu-  Combining the past and the  duction  and  bee  health.  The  dre and Katie were recently
        cation, and brought new ideas  future:  Use of Facebook and  cattle farm is committed to  selected for the Great  Tastes
        back to the farm. After Ian re- YouTube provide the farm with  riparian preservation and wa- of Manitoba.  The farm was
        ceived his diploma at the Uni- a large audience. Andre and  tersheds. They fence off these  awarded Purebred Breeder of
        versity of Manitoba, he started  Katie travel across Canada to  areas and use the water and  the Year in the past. Their cat-
        the honeybee operation.  This  judge and evaluate cattle. They  grazing sources responsibly.  tle are shown at provincial and
        was integral to the expansion  share their knowledge on cat-  Community involvement:  national shows and have won
        of the farm and allowed more  tle and help promote positive  The family recently  raised  several championship awards.
        family involvement.         messaging through keynote  more than $16,000 from a do- The farm was awarded with               Grossart Family — Howpark Farms
          Type of farming opera- speaking appearances at 4-H  nation heifer for a national  the 2018 Pembina Valley Con-
        tion:  The farm consists of  clubs.  They were recently se- youth event in Brandon. An- servation Award.        a fifth-generation farm this  for grazing and crop produc-
        4,000 acres of grain, 600 PB  lected as the face of the Mani- dre, Katie and Sandy are Mi-                      year. Ian’s great-grandfather  tion. They have taken on land
        Charolais cows, a commercial  toba Beef Producers through  ami  4-H  beef  club  leaders.   GROSSART FAMILY —   homesteaded the farm in  under Habitat Heritage agree-
        herd of 100 black cows and a  the Great  Tastes of Manitoba  Andre, Katie and Pat are direc-                    1879, naming it after his birth- ments to preserve the land on
        2,500-beehive operation. They  campaigns.  Ian  shares  the  tors on the Miami Agricultural  HOWPARK FARMS      place  in  Scotland.  The  farm  and  adjacent  to  the  Brandon
        grow cereals, oilseeds, pulses,  Steppler Bee operation with  society. Andre and Katie are in-  Historical  background:  has always operated with di- Hills. They have installed more
        grain corn, silage corn and  his  25,000  YouTube  channel  volved with the Miami Sports  Howpark Farms is a fourth- verse mix of crops and cattle.  than six miles of pasture pipe-
        sunflowers.                 subscribers and travels the  Complex and Miami Minor  generation farm, moving into    Type of farming operation:  line. They have been a part of
                                                                                                                        Organic mixed farm raising  the Habitat Heritage-support-
                                                                                                                        organic grains, grass-fed beef  ed Twice Over Grazing Project
                                                                                                                        and pasture chickens.       aimed at improving the native
                                                                                                                          Family participation:  Ian  pastures and protecting habi-
                           FARMS FOR SALE                                                                               son Zach are currently active  cies at risk.
                                                                                                                        and Linda, father Doug and  tat for native species and spe-
                                                                                                                                                     Community involvement:
                                                                                                                        and directly involved with
                                                                                                                        the farm, while children An- The Grossarts have opened
                                                                                                                        drew and  Avery are indirectly  their farm to university and
                                                                                                                        involved. Doug, Ian, Andrew,  college tours over the years.
                                                                                                                        Zach and Avery are all gradu- They have also been a part of
                WAWANESA                   DELORAINE                    NESBITT                   DUNREA                ates of the University of Mani- local film productions. Doug
                                                                                                                        toba, and Linda is a graduate  was a past-president of the
                   SOLD                  $ 2,300,000                $ 3,200,000                 $ 320,000               of  Brandon  University.  Avery  Brandon Co-op, a volunteer

            Located south of Wawanesa.     Great starter farm.         Eight quarters.       Located north or Dunrea.   will soon graduate from Life  with the Farm and Rural Stress
                                                                                                                        University in Marietta, Ga.,  line, chair of the local elevator
               Fourteen quarters of     Located adjacent to Hwy    Gently rolling productive   Quarter section of good   and plans to return to Bran- and has been a part of various
               productive grainland     #3 west of Boissevain with   grainland adjacent to   grainland seeded to fall rye.  don to work.            local committees. Doug, Ian
            complete with beautiful two    central yard site.          PR Raod 346.               SE-3-6-17W              Combining the past and the  and Linda have all been on var-
            storey home, excellent newer   Section 2-3-22W                                                              future: The Grossarts have ad- ious committees of the Bran-
            buildings, and hopper bottom                                                                                opted fully organic agronomy  don Hills Church and Commu-
                  grain storage.                                                                                        and husbandry to meet the  nity Club. Linda and Ian taught
                                                                                                                        growing consumer demand.  first  aid  and  lifeguarding  to
                SHOAL LAKE                   VIRDEN                    BRANDON                    NEEPAWA               Their regenerative and or- area residents for several years
                                                                                                                        ganic practices are aimed at  and Linda is a past-president
               $ 7,200,000                 $ 735,000                    SOLD                       SOLD                 building healthy soils, growing  of the Manitoba Lifesaving So-
                                                                                                                        nutrient-dense foods, preserv- ciety. Ian served eight years as
               Central yard site with     Ready to go livestock   Productive grainland for sale   Productive farmland for sale   ing the natural landscape and  a municipal councillor for the
               modern grain storage.   operation! Located north of   located three minutes west   located east of the thriving   native prairie habitat.  then RM of Oakland and has
              Twenty quarters of flat,   Oak Lake between Brandon   of Brandon, MB, adjacent to   town of Neepawa, MB.    Land stewardship: The fam- served and continues to serve
            productive grainland, with B     and Virden.                HWY 459.                  NE 16-15-14W          ily’s organically regenerative  on several ag-related commit-
            and C crop insurance ratings.  E 1/2 33-10-24W          B rated soil is great for                           practices include  long-term  tees.  The  farm  was a  World
                                                                   growing all types of crops                           crop rotations, cover cropping  Wide Opportunies on Organic
                                                                   including beans or corn.                             and high stock density grazing.  Farms host family for several
                                                                                                                        They purchased ecologically  years and hosted young people
                                                                                                                        sensitive lands adjacent the  from several countries from
            For more information contact:                                                                               farm  to  maintain  the  nature  around the world on their farm
            Henry Carels 204.573.5396                                                                                   ecology and help maintain  and more recently has host-
                                                                                                                        the local plant species.  The  ed and provided internship
            Catharina Carels 204.720.4779                                                                               Grossarts manage their land  training  to  ag  students  from

            Please call or text for additional available listings                                                       to build soil health and pro- France.
                                                                                                                        vide fully self-sufficient land             » See Page B11

                                                                                                                   “Our Buns Don’t Jiggle”

                                                                                                               who work so tirelessly during
                                                                                                              harvest to provide us with the

                                                                                                            ingredients we use in the bakery,
                                                                                                                especially the amazing flour.

                                                                                               1411–1  Street, Brandon
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