Page 3 - Westman Business 2019
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Brandon’s business sector experienced a busy year in 2019, says Brandon Chamber of Commerce president Cathy Snelgrove. (File)
Growth ‘keeps us fresh and exciting’
BY COLIN SLARK rooms booked in Brandon has risen over Street getting the building ready for a new weight in some areas.
the past few years. That figure may further PetSmart location and the Community Fu- It’s been slightly more than a year since
Brandon’s business sector has had a busy increase when the new Holiday Inn Ex- tures building downtown getting a facelift. cannabis was legalized in Canada.
year. press opens on 18th St. across from the “I think that’s really great,” Snelgrove Manitoba as a whole might not have
Much of that has to do with the big con- Keystone Centre next year. said. “That keeps us fresh and exciting. It’s fulfilled the provincial government’s
struction projects in and around the city. Harvey attributes this to two fac- good stuff.” goal of having a cannabis outlet within
But for many of these construction proj- tors. The first is that Brandon is the eco- Mayor Rick Chrest told the Sun that a 30-minute drive of 90 per cent of resi-
ects, the businesses involved have to believe nomic hub for the region, attracting people Brandon has never been a boom or bust dents, but Brandon has more than fulfilled
that Brandon is the right place to build. from all over Westman. town and is in solid shape right now busi- that goal on a local scale.
To find out what the current business The second is what Harvey said is from ness-wise. Five cannabis retailers have opened
climate in Brandon is, the Sun talked to “the uptick in the number and quality of “When you get a significant uptick in in Brandon over the last year under four
local business leaders to find out why they events the city is hosting.” private investment, then that does signal different brands: Delta 9, Meta Cannabis
think Brandon is a good place to do busi- He called the Keystone Centre and the confidence in your community,” Chrest Supply Co., Tweed and Tokyo Smoke.
ness. new amphitheatre at Festival Park “world said. “Especially when you get a manufac- One company, Canopy Growth, owns
There have been some high-profile class.” turer such as Koch Fertilizer spending $30 three of those locations: the Tweed retailer
events in the city this year with more com- The new amphitheatre has already been million on an office complex.” on Victoria Ave. and the two Tokyo Smoke
ing up. put to good use, hosting several musical acts The old Sobeys location in the South locations, including the recently-opened
Country stars Dean Brody and Dallas during the summer and providing a stage End next to Staples has remained vacant location beside the Dairy Queen at the
Smith came to town on their latest tour, for Canada Day celebrations at the Riv- since the grocery store moved across 18th Corral Centre.
the Tim Hortons Brier thrilled curling fans erbank Discovery Centre. The Discovery Street to Shoppers Mall. In July, develop- “We’re seeing a few things,” Matt Ryan,
earlier in the year, Scott Moir and Tessa Centre is still looking for a sponsor to ac- er Shindico told the Sun that Sobeys still vice-president of marketing for Meta par-
Virtue came to town as part of their retire- quire the naming rights for the stage. holds the lease and they are looking for ent company National Access Cannabis,
ment tour with the Rock the Rink show Brandon Chamber of Commerce pres- someone to sub-lease the space. told the Sun. “The competition in Bran-
and the Champions of Magic illusion show ident Cathy Snelgrove said it has been a One complication is that Sobeys does don and the province alone is escalat-
is coming soon. strong year for businesses, led by new con- not want another grocery store to move into ing because more and more stores have
The Canadian National Arabian & struction and business expansion projects. that space. opened. I think competitions affect things,
Half-Arabian Championship Horse Show She mentioned that there have been Jonathan Alward of the Canadian Fed- but I think all the cannabis retailers are
had another successful year only slightly some strong retail and restaurant develop- eration of Independent Businesses told noticing that there’s still room for more
dimmed by a decreased number of compet- ments recently in the city. the Sun that in his institution’s “Entre- stores to come.”
ing horses due to an outbreak in the United One positive trend she has seen recent- preneurial Communities” report from last Another company, Garden Variety, is
States that forced some animals to be quar- ly in local businesses is the revitalization of year that Brandon outpaced Winnipeg in aiming to open Brandon’s sixth cannabis
antined. previously existing spaces. areas like business establishment growth retailer next to the KFC/Taco Bell restau-
Brandon First executive director Gra- Snelgrove pointed to renovations to and business establishments per capita, rant on 18th St.
ham Harvey said that the number of hotel the former Shoppers Drug Mart on 18th showing that the city is punching above its » Continued on Page 4