Page 12 - Westman Business 2019
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12                                                                                      THE BRANDON SUN • WESTMAN BUSINESS • OCTOBER 2019

            » Continued from Page 10            ty if not all of these cases are involving   government’s goals of having cannabis   checking out a cannabis store.
                                                black market vape products where there   accessible within a 30-minute drive for   He said an older couple once came
              Arbuthnot said that some of the ed-  have been certain additives put into the   all Manitobans,” Arbuthnot said.  in looking for CBD products, saying “I
            ible products will take familiar forms   vaporizable oil, which can be potentially   Arbuthnot warned that a similar sup-  hope our pastor doesn’t see us” and look-
            like gummies, hard candies, baked goods   harmful for people’s lungs.    ply situation may occur with edibles as   ing around before entering the building.
            and chocolates. Also being developed are   “I’m confident that here in Canada be-  the market adjusts to accommodate the   “I think that the negative connotations
            cannabis drinks.                    cause of the regulatory structure where   new products. These derivative products   are still potentially there for some peo-
              Because of regulations on how much   we are prohibited from using any of those   are expected to hit stores beginning De-  ple, but realistically it’s gone to the way-
            THC edible cannabis products can con-  additives or stabilizers, on the front end   cember 16/19, just in time for the holi-  side a lot more,” Bristow said.
            tain, drinkables will be more compara-  we’ll have products that are much safer,”   days.                       The team at the Brandon store has
            ble to beer or coolers rather than harder   Arbuthnot said.                At Brandon’s Delta 9 store, manager   staff ranging from people in their twen-
            drinks like spirits or cocktails.     When  cannabis  was  first  legalized,   Taylor  Bristow  is  ready  to  sell  the  new   ties to their sixties. Bristow said that
              Some might be worried about vaping   there were some initial supply issues   products when they arrive. Bristow has   some customers enjoy having older, more
            cannabis given reports of vaping-related   with the availability of products. Arbuth-  managed the store since it opened in   experienced staff that can help them find
            illnesses in the United States in recent   not said that in the last six months, this   April but also worked for Delta 9 in   products to fulfill particular needs.
            months. However, Arbuthnot said the   problem has essentially been resolved,   Winnipeg in the lead up to legalization.  Bristow isn’t sure exactly which Can-
            situation here in Canada will likely be   and will continue to improve further as   Bristow said that some people still   nabis 2.0 products will arrive at Bran-
            different.                          we see cannabis stores moving into more   tentatively enter the store after decades   don’s Delta 9 outlet in mid- December,
              “What we’re seeing in those stories   rural communities across the province.  of prohibition, but people are becom-  but he and his team will be ready when
            out of the U.S. is that the vast majori-  “That’s the next phase of achieving the   ing more comfortable with the idea of   they do.

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