Page 2 - Brandon Sun - Healthy Lifestyles
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2                                          THE BRANDON SUN • HEALTH • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2019

           Karen Larocque, a registered dietitian with Prairie Mountain Health, is helping promote healthy and interesting school lunches for students.
           (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)
           An education on school lunches

           By Bud Robertson           going to want to eat their  square or rectangular-shaped  choice,” Larocque said, add-
                                      lunches when they’re helping  Tupperware-type  container, ing juice boxes and the like are
             Kids need a healthy lunch  to pick out things.”     or even something purchased  packed with sugar.
           to help fortify them for the    She also suggests investing  from the dollar store, where   “Even our new Canada
           rest of the day, and there are  in a good-quality insulated  you can sort of put finger  Food Guide, one of the main
           ways to make sure they eat  lunch bag, “so that cold food  foods, or small portions of  messages there is make water
           what their parents send to  will be kept cold and hot food  foods in there so that your  your drink of choice.  That’s
           school with them.          will be kept hot.”         child can mix and match.”  for kids and adults.”
             “I think No. 1 is for parents   An ice pack will help make   Instead of giving them ho-  And don’t you go adding
           to plan ahead,” said Karen  sure that happens.        hum traditional sandwiches  flavours to give the water a bit
           Larocque,  a  registered  dieti-  To make lunches more in- all the time, “it just makes a  of a punch, either.
           tian with Prairie Mountain  teresting, parents can invest  lunch more interesting for   “We don’t really recom-
           Health.  “Make a grocery list  in a Bento Box-style lunch kit  them.”            mend  those  for  children  be-
           just like they would for plan- or container.  These popular   Parents can even use paper  cause it’s usually an artificial
           ning meals ahead.”         Japanese-style boxes separate  muffin liners to separate the  sweetener and a food dye,”
             They should consult with  the food items into compart- contents, she said.     Larocque said.
           their children in helping  ments.                       Investing  in  a  good  water   When making up their
           make the list, including some   “You can buy expensive  bottle is also important.  kids’ lunches, parents should
           of their favourite foods and  ones, but we always encourage   “We’re trying to steer par- keep the Canada Food Guide
           lunch ideas, Larocque said.  people to look at the cheap- ents away from packing juice  and the different food groups
             “Because when you get the  er options, because food is  and instead focusing on wa- in mind, she said.
           kids engaged, the more they’re  very costly,” she said, “even a  ter and milk as their drink of       » Continued on Page 3
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