Page 10 - Brandon Sun - Healthy Lifestyles
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Vacations can be plenty of fun if you take health precautions before and after you arrive. (File)
Ensuring a safe and healthy trip
By Bud Robertson on that trip. ling by air, is to consider tak- there are some that are not as
First of all, she said, “talk ing jet-lag pills before, during good as others, and they have
Heading out for a well-de- to your travel agent to see if and after your flight, she said. all had the heads-up about
served vacation overseas? there’s any shots or anything Compression socks are also where not to stay — or where
Don’t forget to pack your you need to have.” a good idea on long flights to stay.”
passport and toothbrush and Depending on your travel where a person is sitting for a McMillan noted the gov-
make sure to take precautions destination, there are vacci- long period of time and neck ernment does issue travel ad-
while you’re there to ensure nations that people need to pillows to help prevent kinks. visories “and you should not
you stay healthy while enjoying get from their doctor before As far as clothing goes, it’s a travel to them if there is a
your margaritas on the beach. leaving the country, McMillan good idea to layer up so you’re travel advisory. And if there is
Debbie McMillan, a trav- said, adding contracting hepa- prepared for different kinds of one that comes up when you’re
el counsellor at CAA Man- titis can be a big risk depend- weather, McMillan said. there, you should get out as
itoba’s Brandon office, said ing on where you are staying. After arriving at their des- soon as you can.”
the important thing is to be Other things you can do on tination, “they want to stay at
well-informed before you go the way over, if you’re travel- a safe place, because I mean » Continued on Page 11