Page 4 - Brandon Sun - Community Leader Awards
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Community Leader Award Youth Volunteer winner Whitney Seib. (Chelsea Kemp/The Brandon Sun)
Seib finds enjoyment in volunteerism
BY CHELSEA KEMP past two years. business degree at Brandon Uni- with her commitment to helping to raise money.
“It’s like a family,” she said, de- versity while working full time, but others. Hughson has been amazed at
Whitney Seib’s smile is a welcom- scribing how tight club members are. always ensures she can volunteer in “She has been working tirelessly her devotedness to volunteering in
ing and familiar sight to many in They can often be found out in the the community. ever since volunteering in the com- Brandon, especially given that she
Brandon. community helping out at as many “When I’m not working or vol- munity.” has shown this dedication since she
The 24-year-old has been volun- events as possible to the benefit of unteering and not going to school I Bright, bubbling and committed became involved with the Food for
teering at various organizations in the Brandon community. don’t really do much,” Seib said with to any project she takes on, Seib is Thought Program.
the city for almost as long as she can She first dipped her toes into the a laugh. incredibly hard-working, Hughson “She started working with them
remember. world of volunteering with the Food The commitment and time she said. when she was very young. When she
“It makes me happy to make other For Thought Program, which helps spends working to make the com- Her commitment inspires those was still going to school she would
people happy — that’s why I do it,” prepare and serve breakfast in Bran- munity a better place is all the more around her, he said, especially given get up in the morning and go off to
Seib said. don Schools for students who are un- commendable because she works the many leadership roles she has one of the elementary schools and
Her glowing and cheerful personal- able to get a nutritious meal at home. and attends university,” Dayle Hugh- taken on to help projects in the com- help serve breakfast and then go to
ity combined with her hard work has “I’m part of a family that volunteers son said. munity find success. high school,” Hughson said.
helped events and groups that in- — I’ve been doing it since I was a kid,” Hughson nominated Seib for her He cited Seib’s role as chair of the He has been amazed at the energy
clude the Food ForThought Program, Seib said. “However, I really got into a hard work in the community, de- Rotary Rib Fest for two years as a and tenacity she brings to everything
Brandon Rotary Club, Swim Abilities lot when I finished high school.” scribing her as full of energy and ea- showcase of her incredible commit- she touches.
and Christmas Gift Wrapping with One of her favourite times of the ger to help those who need a hand. ment to volunteering. She lined up “She is a very incredible young
CNIB find success in the community. week is Sundays when she gets to “I think she really deserves it. She is numerous volunteers to help and lady,” Hughson said, explaining that
She is this year’s Community Leader volunteer with the SwimAbility pro- a wonderful young lady who spends has taken on so many different com- Seib cares about causes and people
Youth Volunteer award winner. gram, working with physically and a lot of time volunteering and work- mittees that it is almost too much to and is willing to work hard to ensure
Volunteering has proved to be a fun mentally disabled children as a swim ing for different causes,” Hughson count, he added. things get done.
experience and a great way to build coach. She hosts one-on-one swim said. She is happy to work behind the “She doesn’t believe in leaving ev-
relationships in the Brandon com- lessons for 30 minutes, working with He wants to see her recognized for scenes or in front to ensure the com- erything to somebody else to do it.
munity, she said, highlighting the op- three students over the course of the the impact she has had on Brandon. munity is a better place, he said. She jumps right in and drags other
portunities and friendships she has night. Hughson belongs to the Brandon “She’s very caring about people,” people with her,” he said. “She gets
made through the Brandon Rotary “They’re going to learn something Sunset Rotary Club and met Seib Hughson said. “She loves to raise it done.”
Club. She serves as treasurer for the and they’re going to have fun. It’s when she joined the group a few money for different causes.”
organization and has been the chair- awesome,” Seib said. years ago. He highlighted her work with »
person of the annual Rib Fest for the She is currently finishing up her He was immediately impressed SwimAbility as a coach and working » Twitter: @The_ChelseaKemp
Students dedicated to environmental causes
“It’s definitely not the
easiest thing to do, there’s a
number of different roadblocks
that come up along the way,”
she said.
“I think it’s tough that way for
students, it’s definitely a credit
to those who stay in the club
and stick it out and continue to
2019 be the person who talks to their
friends about composting and
BY DREW MAY recycling and to really not get
too down about larger things
Whether it’s starting a com- that are happening that they
posting program, using recy- can’t control.”
clable materials to wrap Christ- Moving forward, Manko said
mas presents or striking outside she wants to start an eco club
city hall for climate action, the at Brandon University based on
École secondaire Neelin High her experience with the Neelin
School Eco club knows the im- high school Eco Club. Manko
portance of taking a stand for and other members from Nee-
the environment. lin are also trying to start a
The goal of the club, which is broader community-based
the finalist in the Youth Volun- club to do community clean-
teer category, is to bring aware- ups, helping in community
ness to how students specifical- gardens and possibly another
ly can be more environmentally climate strike.
friendly, said Melissa Robinson, Seeing a fresh group of stu-
the club’s teacher-organizer. École secondaire Neelin High School Eco Club teacher-advisor Melissa Robinson. (Drew May/The Brandon Sun) dents in the club each year and
Throughout the year the club the work they do is motivating,
sets up programs and initia- that her parents passed on to true to many things in our com- don climate strike by attending Colby Pilling, Samantha Cruz Robinson said. Each group of
tives for students and their her. The club really came to- munity when we want to see a global climate strike with the Alvarado, Kayla Burt, and Olivia students brings fresh ideas to
peers to take small actions to- gether during the strike. change.” club in Winnipeg on Sept. 27. Erickson. the table through brainstorm-
wards a greener future. “With a club that it’s not just While a member of the eco- “Now it’s a global event and While the students have ing meetings that can help
Last year the club organized one person — each person had club, Manko said she learned it’s also general, where in the moved on they will continue have a real impact on climate
a climate strike outside city hall such an involvement in every- the importance of teamwork past it was just youth who were to spread the message of sus- change.
in May, where 50 students held thing we did … I brought the and how important the support striking from school — so this tainability and the small ac- “It’s super inspiring, I love it,
up signs with slogans like “Save idea to the group, but without of others can be in achieving one coming up is likely to be the tions people can take to leave it makes my days … just hear-
our planet, save our future” and the help of my club members personal goals. largest worldwide,” she said. an improved natural world. It’s ing everyone’s ideas. It’s re-
“The oceans are rising, now it’s and my peers it wouldn’t have “That was one of the main The club will be getting a a consistent battle to share in- ally wonderful to hear students
our turn.” been possible,” she said. things I’m grateful for and the fresh start this year, Robinson formation on being more envi- who feel passionate about the
Cassidy Manko, a member of “I felt like we really came to- camaraderie and friendship in said, as all five of the students ronmentally friendly and help- same climate issues that I feel
the club who graduated from gether and worked hard on an that group,” she said. from last year were in Grade 12 ing people change their habits, are so important today as well.”
Neelin last year, said she has a issue that we were really pas- Robinson said she wants to and have now graduated. Last Robinson said, but she believes »
passion for the environment sionate about and that rings follow up on last year’s Bran- year’s club included Manko, they’ll stick it out. » Twitter: @DrewMay_