Page 13 - Brandon Sun - Community Leader Awards
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THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26 2019 ■ THE BRANDON SUN                                                                                    COMMUNITY LEADER AWARDS 2019     ■  B13


        Chris and Kim Lowes are this year’s Community Builder Award recipients. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)

        Couple selfless community builders

        BY DIANE NELSON                    “These two loving people are self- Kim said people have to want to par- a woman who was walking the streets than content with their family’s des-
                                          less in their pursuit to see women ticipate for the right reasons.  selling herself to try to pay for her ad- tiny.
          If their nominator’s testimonial is freed from their addictions and the  “The only ones who are saved are diction,” she added. “Addiction knows  “We have three kids and I was
        any indication, to say they’re selfless many issues they face when coming the ones who genuinely want to be no boundaries.”            pregnant with the first one when we
        would probably be an understate- to Teen Challenge,” the nominator saved,” she said. “You can’t do it to  While reality dictates they can’t save started, so it’s all our kids have ever
        ment.  Kim and Chris Lowes have wrote. “They help these women de- please others. You have to have hit everybody, one might think this type known,” she said.
        dedicated their lives to helping people velop a strong and solid relationship rock bottom and want to find a way of work would be depressing, and it  “And we believe this is what we’re
        of all ages get their lives back on track with God, and they have sacrificed back.                    does have those low moments, Kim supposed to do. It’s your job, but when
        from addiction, starting in Ontario much, moving here with their three  “We kind of try to train the whole said. But happily, the victories out- you feel it’s your calling, that just feels
        in 1998, continuing in Winnipeg in children from Winnipeg.”        person — we believe the addiction weigh the sadder outcomes.       different. I can’t imagine doing any-
        2010, and finally bringing their work  In fact, the couple is so dedicated is the surface, and we try to find out  “There’s pain along the way, but thing else with my life.”
        to Brandon in 2012.               to their cause that when they became what’s the root of that addiction.”  often I would be the first voice they  And in terms of being nominated as
          The husband-and-wife team runs frustrated by being limited by physi-  Not surprisingly, people come to would talk to,” she said. “And when a Community Leader, well, Kim says
        the Adult and Teen Challenge Cen- cal space in the Wheat City — they them from all walks of life. Kim said you go from utter hopelessness or ‘I she’s just thankful. And she feels espe-
        tre in Brandon, a ministry that helps could only accommodate five or six while some folks are referred through might as well be dead’ and then have cially grateful that their nominator is
        people cope with life-controlling ad- people at a time — they built, in 2016, the legal system, others just present them realize that there is hope and someone with whom they had a bond.
        dictions.                         a property about ten miles north of themselves because they don’t know they can be the person they want to  “She was in our program — she
          “It started out as drugs and alcohol, Brandon where they can now house what else to do — they can’t find ways be or the mom they want to be, well, was one of our students, or clients as
        but now if it’s anything that someone’s 16 women at a time. Kim and Chris to cope on their own and know they that’s really gratifying.”  some people like to call them,” Kim
        addicted to, we’re here to help,” Kim and their family live on a bungalow need help.                  In addition to the centre, some said. “She came to our program to get
        said during a phone interview.    on the same property.              “It’s a pattern of living that they months ago the Loweses opened and help.
          According to their nominator, a  “It was frustrating before because don’t know how to get out of, and also operate, along with women from  “That she nominated us — that’s
        woman who was formerly in their with only being able to handle five that’s what we try and help them get the program and a few paid staff, the very humbling, I think. And I just
        program, the couple has helped save or six, it was a year’s wait, and some out of,” she said. “And the reality is Super Thrift Store at 127 Seventh St. in think back to when we started. We
        many lives. And while Kim knows people passed away during that time,” women who come to us with addic- Brandon. And while that means she don’t do it for this sort of thing.
        that’s the case, she said it’s nice to Kim said quietly.           tion issues are often in abusive rela- and Chris are both spread fairly thin,  “To be nominated by a sweet wom-
        hear that from someone they were   But now, they’re able to offer their tionships.                   Kim said they’re confident they’re do- an that we helped, that brings tears to
        able to assist.                   program to all those who want it. But  “I’ve had a woman with a PhD and ing what they should, and are more my eyes, to be honest.”
        Cowan ‘overwhelmed’ to get prestigious nod


          You could have knocked Lor-
        na Cowan over with a feather
        when she learned she’d been
        nominated for a Community
        Leader Award.
          “I’m a little overwhelmed,”
        Cowan said when informed
        she’d been given such a pres-
        tigious nod. “It is very much a
           But like most nominees,
        Cowan was humble.
           “It’s lovely, but I don’t know
        if that would fit me. But it’s very
        nice people think I am (a leader
        in the community).”
          While Cowan is modest, her
        track record speaks for itself.
        She turned 86 on Sept. 6, and
        has spent most of her life help-
        ing others, both as a career
        nurse and as a volunteer on
        the boards of several organi-  LEFT: Lorna Cowan in her home. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun) RIGHT: Cowan adds a handful of daffodils to her order of flowers being delivered to local businesses
        zations. She was awarded the  for the Canadian Cancer Society. (File)
        Westman     Communications
        Group Lifetime Achievement and for years, before she met mother at that time, and I had  “It was very special to me,” organizations, including the always so interested — I still
        Award during the YWCA Bran- her second husband, she raised a son I thought was in real need Cowan said.         Brandon Regional Health Cen- see lots of things that I‘d like to
        don’s 32nd annual Women of her two young sons alone. It of a big brother. So it’s near and  After two years on the Big tre, Brandon Regional Health be involved in and then I say,
        Distinction Awards Gala earlier was at that time, in the early dear to my heart.”   Brothers board, a paid co-or- Authority (now Prairie Moun- ‘Don’t be silly.’
        this year.                  1970s, she became one of the  She was happy to be a volun- dinator was hired because the tain Health), Fairview Personal  “I’m limited. So I do what I
          “I think there is great satis- original board members of Big teer on the committee and en- demand became more than Care Home and the Imperial can, that’s all.”
        faction in knowing that you can Brothers. It was the first time joyed interviewing the mothers the board — comprised solely Order Daughters of the Empire  And even though she’s done
        make a difference for some- she’d worked in such a major who felt their boys needed big of volunteers — could handle.  (IODE), a women’s charitable and still does so much, as far as
        one,” she said in an earlier in- capacity with a community or- brothers,aswellasthekidswho  Cowan retired from nurs- organization for which she is a the Community Leader Awards
        terview with The Brandon Sun.  ganization.              were applying for a big brother, ing in 1993 to spend more member of the national advi- go, Cowan reiterated her first
          Cowan grew up in Dauphin    “I’d always been interested and those people wishing to be time with her husband, who sory committee.         response to hearing of the
        and became a registered nurse, in helping kids in whatever one. Then the committee had suffered from illness until his  “There’ve been many differ- nomination.
        working in hospitals in Souris, way you could,” she said. “But to decide who would match death nine years later.  ent things that have come up  “I’m very honoured,” she
        Dauphin and Brandon. She Big Brothers was of particular and which people might be a   Since then, Cowan has sat over the years that I have an said. “I’m completely surprised
        was widowed at the age of 28, interest because I was a single good fit.              on the boards of numerous interest in,” Cowan said. “I’m by the whole thing.”
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