Page 5 - Brandon Sun - Classes Courses & Recreation 2019
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AUGUST 2019 • CLASSES AND COURSES • THE BRANDON SUN                                                                                    5
           Assiniboine has a wide reach

              Continuing Studies at Assiniboine                                                           
           Community College offers a wide range                                                                       Not only can we assist with your per-
           of programs, courses and workshops—                                                                      sonal training and development, but we
           whether you are looking to advance your                                                                  also specialize in customized training for
           career, keeping up with industry best                                                                    teams. Looking to develop your team’s
           practices,  developing  your  job  skills,  or                                                           job skills? Continuing Studies at Assini-
           starting a new hobby!                                                                                    boine is experienced in adult education
              This fall, we are excited to launch                                                                   and delivering results. Our facilitators are
           our new Bookkeeping Certificate. This                                                                    experts in their fields, and whether you
           program provides students with the                                                                       need a specific skill set or a team-build-
           knowledge and skills necessary to set up                                                                 ing session, we can customize training for
           and maintain a complete set of financial                                                                 your group, on your schedule.
           records for small and medium enterpris-                                                                     In addition to pre-employment and
           es. Focusing on bookkeeping and com-                                                                     professional development programming,
           puterized business environments, stu-                                                                    we offer fun, interactive and informative
           dents will learn  from instructors in  the   Electrical wires and the iconic peaks and domes of the Parkland Building on the Assiniboine Communi-  personal workshops such as acrylic pour
           business industry and Certified Profes-  ty College North Hill Campus. (File)                            painting, cooking demos, wine pairing,
           sional Accountants (CPAs).                                                                               smartphone photography and more!
              We continue to grow our program of-  Manitoba. To meet the busy schedules of  er. Ed2go offers 400+ interactive online   For a full list of programs, courses and
           ferings so that educational opportunities  students, we have partnered with Ed2go,  courses that are affordable, fun, fast and  workshops visit us at
           are delivered to communities throughout  an online continuing education provid-  convenient. To find out more, go to as-
           » Humble beginnings

           Rich history of Shotokan Karate in Westman

              Shotokan  Karate  began  Westman, with all three leaders  lasting several days.  Westman  gard to the level of instruction in  and we look forward to many
           in  Westman in 1984 at the  heavily involved with not only  did very well in the tournament,  our area.         more years of growth and devel-
           YMCA.  Over the years, the  the technical side of things but  beating out many other students   Many people have received  opment for all.
           club has flourished and has seen  also the political side of kara-  from all over the world. Inter-  black  belts  under  the  instruc-  We encourage everyone to
           many students come and go, but  te. Their time and efforts have  estingly,  there was a qualifying  tion of the Flannigan family  share their knowledge  and ex-
           one  thing  remains  the  same:  seen karate grow stronger every  tournament in Japan with more  and have gone on to either run  pertise with one another and
           the level of instruction is al-  year and has made a difference  than 1,500 competitors.  Only  their own club or continue being  learn from each other. The more
           ways strong. There are currently  in many people’s lives.   the top three from each divi-  strong members in the area.   knowledge and skills that are
           six clubs in the Westman area:   In 1994, there were sever-  sion were allowed to compete at   Karate in  Westman has  shared in our area the stronger
           Brandon, Carberry, Gladstone,  al people from the  Westman  Worlds. Being able to compete  changed many people’s lives and  we  become  and  continue to
           Killarney, Minnedosa and Shilo.  region that participated in  with this calibre says a lot in re-  will continue to grow as a sport,  grow.
              The Flannigan family has  the  Shoto  Cup  World  Karate
           been the contributing factor in  Championships in Philadel-
           the growth of the martial art in  phia. It was a huge tournament        Building Bridges

                                        KARATE                                        to healthy, harmonious relationships

                                  ASSOCIATION OF BRANDON             Tues. Sept. 24, 2019:  A 12-week group counselling program for men who wish…
                                       & AREA WESTMAN
                                                                               • To develop healthy, respectful behaviours towards their partners
                                                                               • To work toward peaceful and happy relationships with their partners
                              NEW STUDENTS:    SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7           • To develop behaviours intended to support and encourage their partners
                                 PRE-REGISTER:    9:30AM – 5:00PM              • To develop self-awareness and improve self esteem
                                                   at the Shoppers Mall                    To access this free program, call:
                    Sensei Scott Flannigan, Chief Instructor                                   THE COUNSELLING CENTRE
                         National and  international competitor and medalist                       204-726-8706
               204-726-3967 • Knox United Church,  451 – 18 Street, Brandon
                            (17 street door for gym access)                                 Building Bridges is funded by the Province of
                                                                                           Manitoba, Family Violence Prevention Program
           Look us up at Westman Traditional Karate
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