Page 15 - Brandon Sun - Classes Courses & Recreation 2019
P. 15
Sing to a different tune
at Surridge’s Music Centre
Music is all around us, and it’s difficult to teachers who will provide instruction in a pri-
imagine a world without it. Different instru- vate lesson setting.
ments and different styles of music excite dif- Have you always wanted to move your fin-
ferent people. gers over piano keys and create different moods
Surridge’s offers many ways to become in- through the piano tones you hear? Take some
volved in music through lessons — be it an private piano lessons in classical, jazz or just
electric, classical or acoustic guitar, a set of your favourite songs. Enrich your life with mu-
drums or through the well-researched courses sic in several different ways at Surridge’s Music
from the Yamaha Music Foundation. Centre at 34th Street and Victoria Avenue in
Dancers warm up for The Brandon School of Dance Presents the World of Dance at Adults, if you have an instrument, brush Brandon. Your experience with music can be-
the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium earlier this year. (File) the dust off it and come and try some private gin any time of the year.
lessons. If your dream is to sing, learn how to Call 204-727-3322 for more information,
handle a microphone, have stage presence and or drop in and say hello at the store. Check our
Individual attention learn tons of songs, we have a choice of voice web page at
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is key at Brandon
School of Dance
There are several things you but what about costumes for
should ask when you are con- recitals, competitions and fes-
sidering which dance studio to tivals? Will you be asked to
choose. purchase or sew your own
The most important ques- costumes? Have you talked
tion is: “How many students with parents that have had to
will be in the class?” If there purchase four, five, six or more
are more than 10 students in a costumes for festival or recitals
class of five year olds or young- that they may only wear once or FALL SESSION
er then there will not be very twice? That gets very expensive
much learning going on, no and you are left with a closet- SWIM LESSONS
matter how many assistants are ful of dance outfits that will
helping out. They may have likely never be worn again. At
fun playing games or bouncing the Brandon School of Dance Starts September 21 , 2019
around, but you shouldn’t be you pay a small costume fee
paying a dance studio for that upfront and we provide, alter AQUATIC LEADERSHIP
kind of experience. Have you and sew all costumes for you.
seen classes with 15 or even 20 Hassle-free! We also give you
little ones in them? Most often a free, professionally produced COURSES
it’s controlled pandemonium DVD of the year-end recital so
and there is always someone you can sit and enjoy it without Starts September, 2019
getting ignored and left out. trying to record it yourself.
I have heard this repeatedly We’re pleased to be offer- LEARN TO SKATE
from parents who move to the ing a long list of classes that
Brandon School of Dance from includes acro, hiphop, ballet,
other studios. The research is pointe, jazz, lyrical, flamenco Starts September, 2019
conclusive. Smaller class sizes and tap.
do matter! Always ask the stu- Our adult classes are still PD DAY CAMP
dio what the maximum num- very popular and we’re now
ber of students will be in each offering mini sessions for adult Starts September 3 , 2019
class. At the Brandon School ballroom where you can learn
of Dance we limit class sizes two dances over five evenings.
so every student gets individual For all of our classes, please Register Today!
attention and learning is max- visit
imized. Registration is now available
Another question you online through our website. Register online for most programs
should ask is: “What addition- At the Brandon School of or call 204-729-2471 to secure your spot today!
al costs are there after tuition?” Dance our focus is on student
Everyone has to purchase learning and excellence of in-
dancewear for classes, (tights, struction at all levels. You won’t
slippers, bodysuits, shoes etc!), be disappointed!