Page 4 - Brandon Sun - Your Home your Way (2019)
P. 4
Wade Davidson, one of the owner/operators of Westman Security & Automation, holds a wireless doorbell camera. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)
» Continued from Page 3 cameras, but we do have The images can be saved camera-based security sys-
wireless options, as well on the recording system for tems, rather than just arm-
Hossack said the system now, which is all in high about a month — in case ing a home-alarm system
has two-way voice connec- definition,” he said. police or others want to re- with a keypad.
tion “so you can actually talk “Back in the day, you view them — but that can be “I guess most people are
to the person that’s outside used to see ... on the news increased with more hard- interested in seeing who it
the door, so you can tell them somebody robbing the store, drive storage, he said. is, actually,” he said, “espe-
to get lost, or police are on and you can barely see what “We can also, with our cially with the social-media
the way or please leave the heck the person was,” Hos- camera systems, we can have aspect that there is out there
package by the front door.” sack added. “Now, we have it set up so if there’s motion now.”
The owner can also high-megapixel cameras — let’s say in the backyard They can post the image
choose to unlock the door that you can actually zoom — it’ll send you a push no- to Facebook or some other
so a package can be left in- in afterwards and get a tification,” he said, “and it’s platform to see if anyone
side the house instead of at good, clear shot of who it is, just one click away and you recognizes the person at the
the mercy of the weather or as well as the night vision on can see who’s there.” front door.
someone looking to steal it. these cameras now, which is Hossack noted more peo-
“We try to hard-wire our improved by 100 per cent.” ple are opting to go with » Continued on Page 6