Page 4 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
P. 4

4                                   THE BRANDON SUN • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 25-30, 2019

          Greetings from the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair co-chairs

            On behalf of the Provincial                                                     while cause.
          Exhibition of Manitoba and the                                                       The equestrian events at the
          organizing committee, we wel-                                                     Winter Fair are world class and
          come our patrons, exhibitors,                                                     we are honoured to have such a
          and sponsors to the  112th Roy-                                                   high calibre of exhibitors join us
          al Manitoba Winter Fair.                                                          every year. These athletes have
            The Royal Manitoba Winter                                                       worked hard to reach this lev-
          Fair is one of only two fairs in                                                  el  of  competition  and  provide
          Canada (Brandon and Toronto)                                                      excellent entertainment  for all
          that have been granted a “Royal”                                                  ages.
          designation by the Royal Fami-                                                       The other entertainment we
          ly. The City of Brandon and the                                                   have lined up this year is second
          Provincial Exhibition, together                                                   to none. This year for all the dog
          with the Government of Man-                                                       lovers, we are proud to introduce
          itoba, worked hard to create the                                                  the amazing WoofJocks Canine
          Keystone Centre complex, a fa-      Wayne Buhr                Dennis Yanchycki    All-Stars! For the kids and
          cility that would rival that of a                                                 grandkids, the Care Bears Live
          community many times larger  find out how to properly groom  a wide assortment of unique  Show, as well as the Shopkins,
          than the  Wheat City. It is an  and show cattle — a skill de- items to purchase from the var- and a wide range of acrobatic,
          ideal facility from which to host  veloped years ago to help max- ious vendors on-site. For the  musical, and magical perform-
          the fair, where we are able to  imize selling price. At the fair,  more active type, new this year  ers are sure to please. For the
          showcase various aspects of farm  you have the opportunity to see  is the Euro Bungy.  adults, our Barn Bar showcas-
          life and a whole lot more!   and touch many different farm   For the eighth year in a row,  es great entertainment.  Thank
            Where else can you witness a  animals, learn how the many  the Royal Manitoba  Winter  you to our sponsors, exhibitors,
          real baby chick being born one  foods you eat are produced, and  Fair, through a partnership ar- volunteers, and you our patrons,
          minute, and then the next vis- learn the importance of preserv- rangement with several local  for making this event possible.
          it one of the gentle giant heavy  ing our precious land and the  businesses and producers, pro- See you at the fair March 25
          horse breeds, responsible for  agricultural way of life. This fair  vide approximately 680 kg of  through 30!
          working the farmland long be- truly brings farm life to the city. pork for local food banks and
          fore tractors were developed?   You can also enjoy a wide ar- soup kitchens.  You can feel  Wayne Buhr and
          Or,  hang  out  with  one  of  the  ray of food items from the many  good knowing your attendance  Dennis Yanchycki, co-Chairs
          cattle show competitors and  food vendors and there is always  is also helping such a worth- Royal Manitoba Winter Fair
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