Page 2 - Westman Business 2018
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Lori Hildebrand, Office Manager and Technician for Dr. Kelleher’s Laser, Skin and Vein Clinic in Brandon, uses a state of the art laser hair removal machine. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)
Kelleher’s Skin and Vein clinic keeps
customers looking and feeling their best
There’s a difference between aging, and “I think there’s a myth that laser skin-re- Coolsculpting uses controlled cooling mediately after. The treated area is usually
aging gracefully. surfacing is a horrible, painful treatment,” to eliminate the type of stubborn fat that a little tender and some people feel it more
That’s Dr. Barb Kelleher’s philosophy. Kelleher said. “And it definitely is uncom- resists diet and exercise. By chilling fat than others, but all things considered, it’s
And the multitudinous services she of- fortable, but in the old days they used to cells to a certain temperature, the cell itself pretty incredible how effective this leading
fers at Dr. Kelleher’s Laser, Skin and Vein have to sedate people. And now it’s tolera- is destroyed and fat can never be stored on method of fat reduction is.”
Clinic are designed to keep people healthy, ble with just a topical anesthetic.” that area again. For it to be ultra success- While Kelleher treats both women and
happy, and feeling and looking their best. Laser can improve the look of fine lines, ful, Kelleher said it’s best if people are close men in her practice, women between the
The clinic specializes in hair remov- wrinkles, acne scarring or other scars, some to their ideal body weight in order to get ages of 40 and 65 comprise most of her
al, skin rejuvenation, vein treatments, and forms of hyper pigmentation, and can also the best results. “That said, for large peo- clientele. However, while the older group
body contouring, and regularly adds new remove moles on the face so the patient has ple, we do a lot of de-bulking, and while tends to keep quiet about their treatments,
procedures to its repertoire. While cos- either no scar or less of a scar than would they do remain large, they feel much better Kelleher’s younger patients talk about
metic treatments like sclerotherapy, botox, result from removing the mole surgically. in their clothing,” Kelleher said. “A BMI them openly.
and facial fillers have been around for de- As well, laser energy can be used for (body mass index) of 25 or less is best, but “Thirty-somethings are telling each
cades, more recent advancements such as treating issues such as vaginal dryness, 30 can also be done. other,” Kelleher said. “They’re talking
coolsculpting, a non-surgical fat-reduction stress incontinence, and lax vaginal walls “The average procedure takes about an about it. I love the thirty-somethings.
technique, have come on strong, and im- from childbirth, effectively restructuring hour to complete and depending on the “I find it interesting how things are
proved not only the appearance but also and restoring damaged tissue. A minimal- individual, the area treated, and the de- changing. They make no bones about it –
the confidence of many patients. And ly invasive procedure with no downtime sired results, some of my patients are happy showing their friends their before and after
while some procedures are a bit painful, or anesthesia required, Femi-Lift is per- with progress made after just one or two pictures. Some of them even say, ‘I’m going
most are much less so than many people formed by gynecologist Dr. J. B. Helms sessions. And because it’s non-invasive,
might expect. and takes only about 15 minutes. regular daily activities can be resumed im- » Continued on Page 19