Page 83 - Tamarack 85
P. 83

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                                                                      ladies tournament – a 139,” she said. “I almost hit (the
              “It’s a great tournament.                               late) Don Campbell with  a drive, and he was standing
                                                                      almost behind me. Bless his heart. He was so nice about
              There’s a flight for                                     it. He promised to buy me a beer after the round.”
                                                                       Jayne said she kept a tight smile on her face the whole
              everyone.”                                              round, but “bawled all the way home” once she got into
                                                                      her car.
                                                                       “I was working at the hospital then, and I was hoping to
                                                                      just skulk into work the next day, but an elderly patient
                                                                      saw me and said ‘tough round, eh?’ He’d seen it in the
              extra hole and Stacey’s drive went into the trees on the  paper.
              right and stayed up in one of the fir trees.”            “But it’s a great tournament,” she said. “There’s a flight
                Another memorable match featured mother (Jayne) vs.   for everyone.”
              daughter (Kaitlyn), at a time when Kaitlyn was an        While Mryna gave up playing in the Tamarack a few
              overwhelming favourite and Jayne said she landed in the  years ago when she was in her early 80s, her children and
              championship flight by more good luck than good         grandchildren carry on the tournament torch. Jayne and
              management. “I (jokingly) told Kait she had to go to    her husband Doug will both play, as will Kaitlyn, now a
              Southgate the night before the match,” the idea being that  physiotherapist in Calgary. Jayne and Doug’s son Adam
              a more talented but possibly hungover golfer might be   has become an avid golfer lately, but can’t get time off
              vulnerable against a less-talented mother who went to   work from his pharmacy job in Brandon to play.
              bed early the night before. “People were laying bets that  Jody and Guy Bieber will both play. Neither of their
              it would be over in nine holes,” said Jayne. “I spent the day  daughters, young mothers Stacy Sledge and Reghan
              before bargaining with her, telling her I’d buy her this or  Langston, will be playing, but Jayne’s nephews Brock
              that if she went easy on me.”                           Bieber and Brendan Graham are expected to play.
                Kaitlyn won the match on the 14th hole, but Jayne said  It’s a golf tournament, sure, but it’s a week for laughs
              there was a lot of hype and a lot of pressure.”         with family members and old friends and to renew
                Pressure also enveloped Jayne in one of her first years  acquaintances with some new ones, said Jayne. “It’s a
              playing in the Tamarack. “I had the highest score in the  lifelong event. We just love the Tamarack.”
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88