Page 58 - Brandon Sun - Winter Fair 2018
P. 58

58                                   THE BRANDON SUN  • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 26-31, 2018

              The basics of

           show jumping

       Show jumping is a sport where  tion.” The rider must have skill and tal-
     two living beings compete together:  ent: an eye, and a sense of balance not
     a horse and a rider.           to disturb the horse. He/she is the one
                                    who  “moulds” the horse, requiring
     THE HORSE                      years of work, education, dressage and
       The horses are the product of long  patience. On the course, the eye of the
     and patient work, studying genetics  rider and his ability to make quick de-
     and hours of training. The young  cisions are as important as the skill of
     horse begins his sporting life at three  the horse, his physical aptitude, his
     with light schooling and usually  carefulness, etc.
     takes part in his first competitions at
     four. A good horse starts to be suc- ARENA
     cessful at eight, and is at the peak of  The arena is the stage. Westoba
     his career from 10 to 15, but can  Place has a capacity of more than
     keep performing until the age of 20.  5,000 spectators and during show
                                    time, it is filled with people, TV cam-
     THE RIDER                      eras and, in the arena, the obstacles
       The rider is the pilot that usually be-  surrounded by decorations (flowers
     gins to ride at a young age. The rider  etc.) which may distract the horses.  Femke Van Den Bosch of Red Deer, Alta.,  competes during a jump-off at
     is the brain of this “athlete combina-  » Continued on Page 59   the 2017 MTS Grand Prix.(FIle)
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