Page 39 - Westman Business 2017
P. 39
Victoria Landing’s location, which is close to The Brandon Medical Clinic and two pharmacies, is a draw for many residents. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)
Ideal location at Victoria Landing
One of the property’s biggest draws is its “We're not just fixated on the physical –
location. Many services and amenities are we also want to keep the minds active, be-
practically on Victoria Landing’s doorstep, cause that's important,” she said. So we have
and residents love the access the locale al- everything from card games to puzzles,
lows them. Bingo, horse races, we do ladder ball, chair
“We have the hospital right across the baseball, bocce ball, archery. The Wii games
street,” Nohr said. “We have the Brandon are very popular — the Wii bowling and
Medical Clinic, as well as two pharmacies the Wii golf — we even throw Wii curling
— the Pharmasave as well as Shoppers in there every once in a while.”
Drug Mart. We have a coffee shop — Cof- An extensive games room complete with
fee Culture – across the street from us. We a pool table is also a popular place for resi-
also have a Chinese restaurant — Kim's — dents to congregate. And in spring and
very close. And within the hospital, there’s summer, dozens of outings are planned, not
a Tim Hortons. just in Brandon, but all over southern Man-
“Our location is prime because unfortu- itoba, with some jaunts taking people on
nately, at some point or another, people end day-trips to Winnipeg.
up having to use the healthcare services. Victoria Landing also provides trans-
And whether they just need to go back and portation – it has a bus that ferries residents
forth on a regular basis, or they end up in who need to run errands, and transports
the hospital, their families can comes from people to recreational outings, as well to
a distance and stay in our building. We have church on Sundays. On site, a chapel offers
a hospitality suite that we rent out, and church services in different denominations
families utilize it a lot. It's more or less like each Sunday.
a hotel. That way, families don't have to Victoria Landing is also an aging-in-
worry about parking or traveling across the place-friendly community, where people
city. They're just a walk across the street.” can, as long as they are able, live in their res-
A beautiful park area is well utilized dur- idence as they age, and includes the support
ing the more temperate months, and activ- services they require over time as their
ities take place outdoors as often as the needs change. “We're a very welcoming and
weather permits. vibrant community that likes to stay active,”
A health and wellness director who cre- Nohr said. “And everybody says it doesn't Visit us at the corner of 1st Street & Victoria Avenue
ates and oversees a calendar of activities is matter how old you are. It's what you make 204-717-9100
also on staff at Victoria Landing. And Nohr of every day.”
said activities involve not only physical, but / /
social and emotional well-being too. » The Brandon Sun