Page 40 - Brandon Sun | Royal Manitoba Winter Fair Special Section
P. 40
J.D. Braid, a chef from
Brandon, is part of
Agricultural Culinary
Team Manitoba, which
will host three cooking
shows a day in the
Manitoba Room during
the Royal Manitoba
Winter Fair.
Cooking shows bring the sizzle
BY IAN FROESE from their native country.
“I’ll tell you, the food didn’t
There is more than food of sit around long,” he said,
the deep-fried variety at the mentioning the chefs prepared
Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. 50-75 portions at each of last
World-renowned chefs will year’s shows.
show off how to use locally The plates should again be
sourced ingredients to cleared quickly: the work of
complement one’s savvy in the these Manitoba chefs is well
kitchen. lauded.
The Agricultural Culinary For example, Braid has
Team Manitoba will host attended three World Culinary
three cooking shows a day in Olympics, earning gold
the Manitoba Room. medals in individual and team
J.D. Braid, a chef from competitions. In the most
Brandon, said the team has recent Culinary Olympics in
recipes to share, including Germany, the Manitoba team
dishes that curried favour from won three bronze medals.
judges at the World Culinary This week, they hope to
Olympics. share some of what they’ve
“Some of them are award- learned.
winning recipes from when “We’ll be talking about
we went overseas, and we’ll be what we’re doing, where the
sharing that with people at the products are from, and sharing
fair,” he said. the final product with the
The esteemed chefs will crowd,” Braid said.
choose one local delicacy on The Agricultural Culinary
each day (pork, beef, chicken, Team Manitoba will take the
turkey, canola and honey) and stage at noon, 2:30 p.m. and
use the ingredient in a number 5 p.m. on the Royal Stage
of dishes. During each cooking show, Last year, remembered located in the Manitoba
“Each day we’ll be focusing the chef will walk through Braid, there were two Filipino Room.
on different products from the how to make a dish or more chefs who used Manitoba
province,” Braid said. — and offer a taste-test. chicken in a dish with cuisine » The Brandon Sun