Page 4 - The Brandon Sun - 2017 Community Leader Awards
P. 4



                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Angela McGuire-Holder is the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     inaugural Brandon Sun
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Community Leader of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Year for her tireless work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     giving back to the community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and teaching Brandon School
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Division students the value of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     volunteerism through Youth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Erin DeBooy/The Brandon Sun)

McGuire-Holder named leader of the year

BY ERIN DEBOOY                                  TOP: Canadian Red Cross
                                                volunteers, from left,
  Angela McGuire-Holder is not only             Angela McGuire-Holder,
making sure she does her part for the           Klaus Brechmann, Leslie
community — she is also instilling the virtues  Kerschtien and Norma Laird
of volunteerism in approximately 600 of its     were the local members
members.                                        recognized at the regional
                                                annual meeting in Brandon
  A teacher for almost 25 years, McGuire-       in 2010.
Holder said she has taught just about
everything.                                     LEFT: McGuire-Holder joins
                                                grades 7 and 8 students
  “I love my job, I always have — right from    from Earl Oxford at the an-
day one,” McGuire-Holder said. “I still love    nual CIBC Run for the Cure
coming to work every single day, that to me     event.
an amazing thing … I’ve been exceptionally
blessed to have this position.”                 BOTTOM: McGuire-Holder at
                                                the annual Run For The Cure
  As the community drug and alcohol             event at Assiniboine Com-
education co-ordinator, McGuire-Holder          munity College in 2012.
oversees the Youth Revolution program, an       (File photos)
initiative that spans all the schools in
Brandon and is approximately 600 students

  She dedicates an incredible amount of
time and effort into getting the kids involved
and interested in giving back to the
community — but is quick to pass along the

  “The kids sort of latched onto it and really
seemed to enjoy this sense of volunteerism
and giving back … it’s not just me!”
McGuire-Holder said, laughing. “The kids
are very much global citizens. We make sure
that everything fits into education while
listening to what the students think are
important in their schooling and in their
community … They feel like they have an
ownership piece to it, and they really do.”

  Having a good relationship with the
students is just one of the benefits for
McGuire-Holder and her students.

  “I think the great thing is I’m able to get
feedback from them on a personal level,”
Mcguire-Holder said. “I am a teacher, and
I am employed by (Brandon School
Division), but for the kids I think they see
me as an ally and an advocate, an
enthusiastic supporter, while at the same time
they know that I have a level of expectation
for behaviour.”

  Being in a position that allows her to build
relationships and promote relationship
building overall is one of Mcguire-Holder’s
favourite parts of the job.

  “Watching these kids grow … it’s very
rewarding to see the kids connect … it
doesn’t matter what school they’re from
when they’re all getting along … it’s pretty
incredible,” Mcguire-Holder said. “I want to
make a difference. I think in all my teaching
that this is probably one of the most
impactful ways to get to kids — relationship

  Mcguire-Holder is also careful not to just
talk the talk, but to walk the walk.

  In addition to the work she does in the
community with YR, McGuire-Holder also
volunteers with the YMCA Brandon, the
Canadian Red Cross, the Brandon Festival
of the Arts, the Canadian Patient
Engagement Network and Local Health
Involvement Groups.

  “I believe in giving back to the community
and I’m grateful that I am able to give back
… and that there are people who appreciate
what we do,” McGuire-Holder said. “When
I’ve done evacuations with the Red Cross, it
always reminds me very clearly to be
thankful for everything I have — my home,
my family, my friends — when you work
with some of the evacuees it’s a big reality
wake-up … it reminds you how lucky we
are, it keeps you honest and humble.”

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