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B6  ■  COMMUNITY LEADER AWARDS 2019                                                                                         THE BRANDON SUN ■ THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26 2019


        Todd Bullee, one of six performers to play the part of the Man In Black, strums a guitar onstage at the Centennial Auditorium as he and troupe mates from Mecca Productions prepare for their
        showing of “Ring of Fire”, a musical about the life of Johnny Cash — in 2012. (File)
        Community steward Bullee was a ‘go-to guy’

         BY DIANE NELSON                   Bullee was on the board of South gave directorial feedback, he was trea- treatment in Winnipeg.    was just himself.
                                          End Community Centre for several surer — he did everything,” Simard  “I met Todd through Korinne when  “That’s just who he was,” she said.
          “Our Hero.”                     years. He also spent many hours vol- said in a phone interview. “He was a they were first dating,” Cristal said in “He just did it. He just helped out. He
          That’s what the late Todd Bullee’s unteering at Neelin High school. He member right ’til the end and involved a telephone interview. “He was a great was always lending a hand.”
        mother-in-law, Maureen Hunter, said helped with the building, setting right to the end.              guy — kind, helpful — he did a lot for  Korinne said she could imagine his
        he was to his family and friends.  up and transporting the sets for the  “He helped out wherever he could. the community and anybody around response to winning a Community
          Before his untimely death in June of school’s major productions. He volun- He was just that kind of guy.  him. He was always the first to volun- Leader Award.
        this year, Bullee was the go-to guy for teered with Neelin’s choir group, going  A great friend — a family friend. teer.                “He’d probably have said something
        everyone lucky enough to know him, along on many choir tours and con- He was always there to help you if  “When they were living with us, he like, ‘I just do it because I’m a doer,’”
        Hunter said, in nominating him for certs. He was up early to board the bus you needed help in any way. He was was always trying to help us, from fix- she said. “I don’t need any accolades
        the award. A partner with his brother with a smile and McDonald’s breakfast an amazing individual. A joy to be ing things around the house to tak- or credit.”
        Brent in H. Bullee & Sons Spring Ser- for all, Hunter said.        around. Always positive and kind.  ing my kids places, planning family  In other words, he did so much and
        vice, the siblings bought the company,  As well, Bullee was a regular volun-  “He was just a great guy. And we dinners — those were just things that expected nothing in return.
        a Brandon fixture since 1958, from teer for the Cerebral Palsy bike race, loved him.”                 Todd always did.                   Hunter said she nominated Bullee
        their father 25 years ago. And while loading up the bikes, transporting  Bullee was diagnosed with a rare  “He was positive — he never wanted for the courage and bravery/above
        Bullee worked hard at his business — them to the venue, assembling and form of blood cancer in December to give up, he never complained, never andbeyondCommunityLeaderAward
        his motto was “if you’re going to do disassembling them, and then riding 2017. After aggressive chemotherapy, said anything about how bad he was not because of how gracefully he dealt
        something, do it RIGHT” — he was to collect donations. With a knack he received a stem cell transplant feeling. I wish I could be that way if I with his cancer, but because of his zest
        always available to his employees, his for drama and singing, Bullee’s love of from his sister Tammy. Unfortunately, was ever in that situation.” According for life and his constant commitment
        friends and his family, helping them music brought him to the men’s choir, it failed. But Bullee was not done fight- to Hunter, Todd was a wonderful fa- to those he loved and the community
        with their vehicles during business Prairie Blend. He loved to perform ing. He agreed to be part of a drug trial. ther to his daughters Laura and Jenna at large.
        hours and after hours — even while he and in addition to working behind the  During the entire 18-month ordeal, and a fabulous partner to Korinne.The  “He did not leap into freezing water
        was on vacation at Clear Lake.    scenes, he took part in many Mecca Bullee remained strong.         family travelled together, tried most or into a burning building to save lives,
          Whether it was a boat, a car, some- productions.                   “Despite his discomfort, Todd … water sports, skied the mountains and butTodd (was) anything but ordinary,”
        thing to do with home, or even some-  “We will always remember him never complained, which is a rare spent many happy summers at their Hunter wrote. “He has experienced
        thing personal, people could always playing Johnny Cash,” Hunter said.  virtue in any person,” Hunter wrote. cottage in Clear Lake.   emotionally both the valleys and the
        count on him, Hunter said.         Bullee was one of the founding “Throughout all this, he continued to  Korinne appreciated the same qual- mountains of the real world.
          “His selfless ways and bright smile members of the Assiniboine Theatre help others and be a beacon of light.”  ities in her husband that everyone  “Todd has taught us to acknowl-
        rubbed off on all those around him,” Company, and ATC president Dave Si-  Kathy Cristal, a close friend of else did. And it’s perhaps predictable, edge what is already within us — the
        she continued. “Having Todd in your mard still misses his wise counsel and Bullee’s wife Korinne, agreed whole- then, that she feels he might have strength and the abilities we hold. His
        life was like knowing you’d never have his eagerness to assist in anything that heartedly with Hunter. The Bullees been humbled to receive the award. love of life and community never wa-
        to worry. He would always come run- needed doing.                  lived with Cristal and her husband Because  although  everyone  else vers. He is a hero to all his family and
        ning — he never stopped moving.”   “He built sets, he gathered props, he while Todd was undergoing his cancer thought he was special, to him, he friends.”
        McNish filled a need to help families

                                                                                                                        for something like this for our of attention that comes with be-
                                                                                                                        community,” Hrubeniuk con- ing nominated as a Community
                                                                                                                        tinued. “She’s done a great job Leader, she is grateful her work
                                                                                                                        for Brandon and Westman.”   has had an impact.
                                                                                                                          McNish said that creating  “It’s nice to be acknowl-
                                                                                                                        Baby Bump was “a leap of faith” edged,” McNish said. “It means
                                                                                                                        for her, but she had confidence a lot — it really does. It makes
                                                                                                                        that the services she and her it all worth it. It makes me want
                                                                                                                        staff provide were much needed to cry!
                        2019                                                                                            in the region.               Stadler said she nominated
                                                                                                                          “I just went with it,” she said McNish for the Community
                                                                                                                        in a phone interview. “I love Leader Award because she be-
        BY DIANE NELSON                                                                                                 teaching, I love talking to peo- lieves McNish is a positive role
                                                                                                                        ple, and just doing what people model who goes above and be-
          She saw a need, so she set out                                                                                are asking for and what people yond to facilitate easier transi-
        to provide the service.                                                                                         are needing. I just keep being tions in the parenting journey
          And she has done that — and                                                                                   me.”                        and thus creates a healthier and
        a whole lot more.                                                                                                 Despite her success, McNish happier community.
          Adrienne McNish, a regis-                                                                                     was astonished when she heard  “She lights up any room with
        tered nurse who’s worked for                                                                                    she was nominated for a Com- her warm, authentic smile and
        more than 12 years with women                                                                                   munity Leader Award.        genuine, caring nature,” Stadler
        and their babies in Single Room                                                                                   “I was taken aback — it’s very said. “As Adrienne’s peer and
        Maternity Care, opened Baby                                                                                     overwhelming,” she said with teammate, I can say it is a plea-
        Bump at 728 — 18th St. four                                                                                     obvious delight. “It’s amazing. sure to work with her and call
        years ago. But in tandem with  Baby Bump owners Adrienne McNish and Stacy Nevill, from left, are seen with twins Wade and Rhett  I’m shocked. I feel very hon- her a friend. She always has
        the merchandise available in  Lewandoski, eight months old, whose mother Charlene received prenatal guidance from them. (File)  oured and it’s very exciting.”  space for others’ concerns and
        the store, she created a Family  Bump’s personally tailored pre- First Aid, Sleep Sanity and Baby respect from her colleagues and  McNish said her work on the is an excellent listener.
        Centre, which offers a vast array  natal and postnatal parenting and Me yoga are also offered patients.”        maternity ward and at Baby   “I have heard rave reviews
        of services for her clients.  support and wellness classes through Baby Bump.         Another nursing colleague Bump complement each other from patients who have attend-
          “Adrienne goes above and  provide a safe and accept-    “Adrienne’s leadership skills, and friend, Amber Hrubeniuk, beautifully. While she’s very ed prenatal classes with her or
        beyond to support, educate,  ing environment for new and high standard of patient care, couldn’t agree more heartily.  busy, she said it’s all extremely had the experience with Adri-
        and empower the women and   expanding families to grow, depth of knowledge and im-    “Adrienne’s an amazing per- rewarding.                enne as their nurse in the hos-
        families of Westman to make  learn and build relationships. peccable professionalism as a son,” Hrubeniuk said.“She does  “Both jobs complement each pital setting. A common theme
        informed   decisions  about  McNish’s conversational ap- Registered Nurse are inspiring,” so much for women in Brandon other,” she said. “I make con- is that she exceeded expecta-
        their wellbeing,” wrote nurse,  proach to learning addresses Stadler said. “She advocates and the Westman region. She’s nections teaching prenatal cli- tions and made parents feel
        co-worker and friend Jennifer  the individual needs of her cli- for patient safety, builds confi- had this vision for a very long ents, and then seeing them at safe, supported and empow-
        Stadler in her missive nominat-  ents in prenatal classes that dence for couples to fulfill their time. She’s a very smart busi- the hospital and delivering ba- ered. Adrienne works hard and
        ing McNish for a Community  better prepare them for their birthing wishes and is an unpar- nesswoman and she’s got it — bies, and then following up af- is humble about her successes,
        Leader Award.               birthing experience. A variety alleled team player and leader. she’s got the clientele.  terward (at Baby Bump).  which makes her even more lik-
          According to Stadler, Baby  of classes including CPR and She works hard and earns great  “There was definitely a need  Whileshe’snotafanofthesort able.”
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